Are you looking for ways to make sure that you and your family are always comfortable in your new apartment? Do you want to be prepared for almost any situation?
If so, then you need to learn about all the tools that should be inside of an apartment renter's toolbox. That way, you can get a renters checklist and make sure they're all there, ready to fix an emergency.
Don't worry, we aren't asking you to rewire the electrical system or anything too elaborate. See below for a list of tools you need to make sure all of your bases are covered.
1. Hammer
Just to clarify, we aren't saying that you should be prepared to make any major repairs to your apartment.
In fact, here at the Park Fountains at Preston Hollow, we offer 24-hour emergency maintenance. It's a community amenity that's included for anyone in our complex.
That said, you should always have a few of the basic tools in your toolbox. That way, they're always around when you need them; and you need them a lot more than you'd think!
A hammer is the perfect example of this. Hammers can be used to place nails in the wall to hang your favorite pictures, remove nails from the wall, bend metal, help you put together (or fix) furniture, etc.
Most people make the mistake of using push pins to hang things up or placing silly putty on the wall. But neither of those options will stand the test of time.
Simply go down to your local home improvement store, purchase a standard hammer, and have it available whenever you need it.
For those of you looking to be elaborate, there are many types of hammers you can invest in for specific purposes, such as:
- Blocking Hammers
- Claw Hammers
- Club Hammers
- Joiner's Mallets & more
However, you shouldn't need these while renting an apartment. Unless you enjoy carpentry as a hobby.
2. Tape Measure
Yet another tool that often has its importance overlooked. A tape measure is used for many things in the modern-day luxury apartment world.
As a matter of fact, the tape measure has many more functions and features than people give it credit for.
For example, did you know that almost all tape measures have a nail and screw grab feature?
That metal end of the tape measure is slotted so that it can grab the head of a screw in the wall and allow you to measure the distance to the floor by yourself.
That metal end also has a serrated edge, which allows you to quickly leave a mark. You can quickly rub it back and forth to leave a visible enough mark in the place you measured.
Tape measures are an essential part of maintaining an optimal aesthetic for your apartment. Thanks to them, your pictures will be hung in the right place.
You can also use them to measure the distance of the wall when shopping for mattresses, couches, entertainment centers, and more.
You never know when you need to get a measurement, so be sure to invest in your own tape measure. They're only $10 at the store and will last forever.
3. Screwdriver
Most of you know this, but just in case you don't, there are two types of screwdrivers that you'll want: Philips and flat screwdrivers.
These terms refer to the head of the screwdriver. As the name would imply, a flat screwdriver has a flat head, while the Philips has a head that makes the shape of a plus sign (when you look at it straight on).
Your screwdrivers will likely be the tool in the toolbox that you use most.
They serve multiple purposes, such as taking apart devices, putting furniture together, and even using a flat-head screwdriver to open a can of paint.
While it might cost a bit more upfront, we recommend purchasing a pack of both Philips-head and flat-head screwdrivers, that way you have any size you need.
4. Level
Imagine the horror of spending an hour (or more) hanging up portraits and picture frames on your walls, just to step back and see that they're all crooked.
That situation can be avoided with one tool: a level. They come in all different shapes, sizes, and features, but the standard $5 one should do the trick.
Levels come in handy with things that require the use of multiple screws to hang them up. that way, you aren't creating needless indents into the wall of your luxury apartment.
5. Utility Knife
Ask any contractor and they'll tell you that they prefer to invest in non-retractable utility knives. But for an apartment renter, they're probably the better, safer option.
A utility knife is always handing to have around. It can help you open packages, cut tape, and cut down cardboard or plastic to fit into the recycling bin better.
Utility knives can also be used to sharpen your carpenter pencils, which we also highly recommend you invest in.
A utility knife can make opening boxes and plastic containers a sitch. No need to use those dull kitchen scissors to do a real tool's job!
Invest in These Tools for Your Apartment Renter's Toolbox
While renting an apartment, be sure to use you've got all the necessary items for your apartment renter's toolbox.
Take the time to read this renters guide to see how much you can afford on your next rental. For more inquiries, please be sure to contact us at 469-378-5971 and we will be happy to assist you further.